100 Cells: Solution for Level 1 to 20

On 20th January 2013, developer Touchportal Games presents 100 Cells, a free room escape game for Android. It can be downloaded for free in Google Play Store. So far this app contains 13 levels. While the first levels are very easy, the last are very difficult.

On 22th January, a new update will come with new levels. We want to present you the solution of all levels of 100 Cells. If you are stuck at one level, just look at this solution for 100 Cells.

100 Cells: Solution Level 1 to 11

100 Cells Level 1 solution: Just click at the hole in the wall!

100 Cells Level 2 solution: Collect the key from the left. Now activate the key in your inventory and click on the lock

100 Cells Level 3 solution: Tilt your Android Smartphone / Tablet to the right or left and the book shelf goes in this direction. Maybe, your smartphone has not a correct tilting function you have to tilt to the top or bottom.

100 Cells Level 4 solution: Click on the bottom left arrow and you can see the other corner of the cell. There is the hole in the wall.

100 Cells Level 5 solution: Collect the scissors from the table. Now activate it in the inventory and cut the poster.

100 Cells Level 6 solution: At first collect the scissors behind the plant and cut the poster. Now you have to count the points of the same color. Above the hole you can see the order of the colors. So the solution fir level 6 is 52313.

100 Cells Level 7 solution: At the bottom you see a red carpet. Maybe you have to deactivate the ads (just click on the white button “ADS” at the top, next the home icon). Now drag all plants on this red carpet.

100 Cells Level 8 solution: On the wall you see a picture. It says: The biggist plant to the smallest. Now you have to count how many plants of the same size are in the room. Hint: Plants with the same size have the same pot color. The solution is 12321.

100 Cells Level 9 solution: Now we have to put on all lights. There are 5 buttons! The fith you find under the bed (just tilt your smartphone / tablet to the right). Now click on the following buttons (from left to right – 1 is left and 5 under the bed): 124325.

100 Cells Level 10 solution: The first very difficult level is level 10 of 100 Cells. A lot of people have problems. You have to find out the fifth number of each column and then you have to multiply the fith number of the first and second column. An the right side you have to sum both numbers up.

  • Column 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, ? = 5
  • Column 2: 4+8 = 12, 8+12= 20, 12+20= 32
  • Column 3: 1^3-1=0, 2^3-1=7, 3^3-1=26, 4^3-1=63,5^3-1=124
  • Column 4: 24², 20², 16², 12², 8²=64

So 5*32=160 and 124+64= 188. So you have type in “160188”. Here is a screenshot to show you the solution of level 10:

100 Cells Level 10 solution

100 Cells Level 10 solution

100 Cells: Solution Level 11 to 20

100 Cells Level 11 solution: At first drag the plants next the safe to the right. You will find a key. Open the safe with this key and get the matches. Now activate this and you have to put the lights on.

100 Cells Level 12 solution: We need “TNT”. A classic enigma. Every letter stands for a number. Normally B is the 2, but there is a hint B=7. So we have to add +5 to each letter, it has normally in the alphabetical order. So we get T = 25 and N = 19. The code is: 251925.

100 Cells Level 13 solution: Another number puzzle: You have to put in the numbers 1 to 16 only once and the equation has to be correct. The search numbers are 9, 14, 12 (from top to bottom). Here we have a screenshot:


100 Cells Level 14 solution: A simple 6×6 sudoku. Here is the solution:

100 Cells Level 15 solution: Every column, row and diagonal should be 15. The solution is:

  • 2, 7, 6
  • 9, 5, 1
  • 4, 3, 8

100 Cells Level 16 solution: Just find the roman numbers and then from top to bottom. The solution is: 724 3 72.

100 Cells Level 17 solution: Count the colors red, green and blue. Solution is 459.

100 Cells Level 18 solution: You have to look if there are more standing blue books than the lying blue books. The solution from top to bottom is: On, On, Off, On, Off.

100 Cells Level 19 solution: Use your finger and drag the right shelf to the right

100 Cells Level 20 solution: The solution of level 20 is 2368149.

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