100 Rooms – level 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Solution – Android

We waited a long time for the next levels of this fantastic game and now tehy are is finally out. But like the most Room Escape games “100 Rooms” has some really hard levels. So if you are stuck and looking for help, you are right at this side. We present you the solution of the next levels of this game. If you have questions just write them in the comment box. If you are stuck at the first 7 levels of the game check our first article of this series. If you are looking for the solutions of the new levels of 100 Doord check out this article: 100 Doors: Level 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 Solution – Guide and Walkthrough for Android


How to combine two elements in 100 Rooms?

You have to combine a lot of things in 100 Rooms and many people don’t knwo how to do this. So want to say at first how to combine elements in 100 Rooms.

At first zoom the first item (2 clicks) and then select the other item (1 click) and click on the zoomed image. Now the both elements are combined.


100 Rooms: Level 8 Solution

This is a tricky level again. First look in direction of the desk and take a pencil and a sheet of paper.


100-Rooms-Level-8-step 1


Turn around 180 degrees, so that you can see the wall with picture frame. Some in at the picture frame and place the sheet of paper and after that the pencil. You will get a secrect code, that is “592351”.You will need that later in level 8. Now look in direction of the armchair and click at the bottom of the armchair. The game will zoom in and show you the armchait closer. Now click under the chair and you will get a crowbar. There is a bug in the game, so that you can take as many crowbars as you want but believe us, you just will need one to solve the level. Now look in direction of the window and use the new crowbar to open the left down small window. Now you will get a screwdriver.


100-Rooms-Level-8-step 2

With the screwdriver you can destroy the picture frame over the desk and a secret safe gets revealed. Now you just have to enter the code “592351” and it opens. In it you find the final key to open the door of level 8 and go forward to level 9.


100-Rooms-Level-8-step 3

If you’re still stuck at level 8 our screenshots might be helpful.



100 Rooms: Level 9 Solution

Level 9 is a little bit easier but still not very easy, so maybe also at this level some people might be stuck. So here is the solution. Look at the shelf with the aquarium in it. Click at the aquarium. Now you have to note the the colors of the fighes, this maybe sounds strange but you will need this. The color of the fighes is from left to right: “green, red, red, blue, green, blue, red”. Now go a step back. You still see the shelf. Click at the box, that stands on the right side of the shelf. Now you are able to reach the safe on top of it. Here you have to enter the color combination of the fishes, which was “green, red, red, blue, green, blue, red”. The save opens and you can take a little metal hook.



Ok this was the first step, now we look in the direction of the window and click at the right side heating element. You are looking now behind it and can take a long metal bar. Combine the hook and the bar and you will get a long bar with a hook. You can use this to fish the key out of the glas with acid which stands at the desk.



With the key you can leave the room and get to the next level.



100 Rooms: Level 10 Solution

Level 10 of 100 rooms is again a little bit tricky but absolutely solvable. First step so solve level 10: look in the direction of the door an click an the chair. There you can take a sort of metal blade. No look the direction of the desk with the lamp on it and click at the stack of book under it. The game will zoom and you can take a hilt at the bottom of the book stack. The next step in level 10 of 100 Rooms is to combine the blade and the hilt and you will get a sort of lockpicking tool.



With this you can open the drawer of the desk and take the flashlight out of it. Zoom out again, so that you can see the whole desk. Turn around 180 degrees and click at the defect spotlight. Take the lamp with you and combine it with the flashlight. Now you have an intact flashlight. And for what is a flashlight normally uses? Right, to light up dark places. So click at ground under the sofa, so that you can look under it. Click at the flashlight and than click at the dark space under the sofa.



You will now see the final code to solve level 10 of 100 Rooms. The code is: 491777. With this code you can open the door and go through it right into Room 11 if 100 Rooms.



100 Rooms: Level 11 Solution

To solve level 11 of 100 Rooms also our team need a while, but finally we figured it out. To solve level 11 we have to collect a bunch of iteams. First we look into the direction of the work bench and click at the safe. At the left side of the safe we take a coin. Under the work bench we find a spray can in the bin, which we will later in level 11 of 100 Rooms.



Now look in the direction of the window and click at it. We can see a wonderful cake. Left to the cake we can take a knife and at the right side we find a spoon. The spoon we will need for the next step of the solution of level 11. With the knife we can slice the cake and find a part of casting mold for a key. Next step is turning right. You should look now at a desk with a bunsen burner on top of it. We can do two things here. First we use the spray can at the burner and reveale a code for the safe of the level 11 of 100 Rooms, which is “451279”.



The second thing we do here is to combine the spoon and the coin and click with the combined object at the burner. The coin starts to melt and we have some melted iron. But don’t forget we still have code for the safe, so lets open it and see what’s in it. Suprise, suprise we find the second part of the casting mold, combine the two parts and we get a full mold. We can fill the melted iron into it and get the final key for level 11.




100 Rooms: Level 12 Solution

After the update of 11 August, this level is new at 100 Rooms. But how do we solve it. First look into the direction of the bathtub. At the ceiling over the bathtub we see an unmounted tile. Click at it and we get a plumber’s friend. Now look under the basin and you will get the grip of the plumber’s helper.



Combine both parts and you can clear up the basin with it. After this you get a mysterious symbol that we will need later.



Now look in the direction of the shelf and take the hammer out of it. In the cupboard at the left side you find a book with some symbols and numbers in it. The numbers show use which tile we have to knock with the hammer. So zoom in at the bathtub (front view) and click the following tiles:
line 3, column 5 -> 3 times
line 2, column 1 -> 2 times
line 1, column 6 -> 4 times



You get the second symbols. With the two symbols you are able to open the safe and take the key out of it. With the key you can open the door of level 12 of 100 Rooms.



We hope our solution was helpful and you enjoyed the game. We would be happy if you come back to our side next week, when the new levels of 100 Rooms come out.

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