100 Rooms – level 22, 23, 24 Solution – Android

Today we want to present you the solution of the levels 22, 23 and 24 of 100 Rooms. The new levels are again very challenging. Unlike the most other Room-Escape-Games 100 Doors is much more complex. You are in a sort of 3D-Room, which means that you can look in all directions. You can find objects and hints in all corners and places of the rooms.


Like the most Room Escape games “100 Rooms” has some really hard levels. Especially the new levels are really hard, after the developer noticed that the first levels were relatively simple. So if you are stuck and looking for help, you are right at this side. We present you the solution of the levels 22, 23 and 24 of 100 Rooms.

If you have questions just write them in the comment box. If you are stuck at the first levels of the game check our previous article of this series.


100 Rooms: Level 22 Solution

Level 22 was in our opinion the hardest level of 100 Rooms so far. Because nobody came up with the right solution the developer agreed to publish the solution of the particular level.

The code of the level is:   244121011.

To find this solution you have to start at the left side of the room. At this wall you have to find the numbers that you can divide by two. This numbers are 2 and 4, so the first to digits are 2 and 4. The next number ist the number of objects, which is 4 so the next digit is 4.

Now we have to turn to the left and look at the next wall. Here we can see a picture of day and night. Both have 12 hours, so the next digits are 1 and 2. We can turn again to the left and we will see a painting again. Here we have to count the number of seagulls and fishes. In sum it should be 10 seagulls and 11 fishes so the last digits are 1011.

For a better understanding of the level our screenshot might be helpful:

100 Rooms Level 22 Lösung

100 Rooms Level 22 Solution


100 Rooms: Level 23 Solution

In level 23 of 100 rooms we have to figure out a code again. The code we search is: 244338.

But why is this the solution? In every room are 3 beds, because there are 8 rooms(8 windows at the picture of the beatles)  this makes in sum 24 beds. This is the first number of the code. There are 43 searts in total, which is the middle number of the code. For the last number you have to count the raccoons, which are in sum 38, which is the last part of the code.

This level was again very tricky and we hope the developer will make in future again more logical levels.

Again we have a helpful screenshot for level 23 of 100 Rooms:

100 Rooms Level 23 Lösung

100 Rooms Level 23 Solution


100 Rooms: Level 24 Solution

Level 24 of 100 Rooms is much more simple than the last two levels. First you have to take a wine bottle out of the shelf. The point you have to click at is shown in the screenshot down below.

At the same wall you have to click at the cupboard at the left side of the screen. If you open the right door of it you will get a bottle opener. Open the bottle with the opener and you get a first key which is: 176298.

Because you are standing upside down the solution changes and the final key is in fact: 892671.  Enter this code to the door and you solved level 24 of 100 Rooms.

Again we have a helpful screenshot for level 24 of 100 Rooms:

100 Rooms Level 24 Lösung

100 Rooms Level 24 Solution

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